Ensure Memcached SSL (Udp:11214) is not exposed to more than 32 private hosts for Azure Network Security Rule



Memcached SSL (Udp:11214) is exposed to more than 32 private hosts for Azure Network Security Rule.


Configure Network Security Rule for port 11214 to ensure it is not exposed to more than 32 private hosts. In console -

  1. In settings of NSG select Inbound security rules.
  2. Use Add button here to add security rules.
  3. Create security rules for any application, port range, ip range.
    In terraform -
    Set the value of 'access' to [allow | deny]. Set the value of 'direction' to 'inbound'. Set the value of 'source_address_prefix' to an IP address or a range of IP addresses. These network security rules in controlling inbound connections to your resources in Azure.

Policy Details

Rule Reference ID: AC_AZURE_0500
CSP: Azure
Remediation Available: Yes
Resource Category: Virtual Network
Resource Type: Security Group
