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コンバージ後の OT 環境全体で操業のレジリエンス、効率、効果的なセキュリティの構築


Explore how the integrated OT solution from ServiceNow and Tenable can help you safeguard and strengthen your operations.

Across industrial sectors, limited asset visibility, reliance on manual processes and siloed data are three common factors that make it hard to effectively protect OT operations.

In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn how the joint solution from Tenable and ServiceNow can help you overcome these challenges and effectively safeguard and strengthen your operations. Topics covered will include:

  • Gaining visibility across your entire OT environment inclusive of IT, IoT and OT assets
  • Using automation to improve response times and reduce errors
  • Achieving deep situational awareness across all your assets, inclusive of device state and status

All IT and OT professionals interested in understanding how to enhance resilience, efficiency and security effectiveness across converged industrial operations.



Photo of Dan Hewitt, Principal Security Engineer, OT, Tenable

Dan Hewitt

Staff Product Manager for OT, Tenable

Photo of Karan Shrivastava,  Director of Product Management, ServiceNow

Karan Shrivastava

Director of Product Management, ServiceNow

Photo of Nick Keuning, Director, Solutions Architecture, Tenable

Nick Keuning

Senior Director, Solutions Architecture, Tenable
